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  • 🍿 Stacks Critical Bounties To Create Ordinals & Runes Scaling Approved

🍿 Stacks Critical Bounties To Create Ordinals & Runes Scaling Approved

Active users on Bitcoin L2 Stacks continue to rise as core development continues to work on scaling Bitcoin use cases.

Scaling Runes with Bitcoin L2 Stacks? Scaling Ordinals? A seamless sBTC front end Bridge? The Stacks Foundation recently announced the approval of eleven Critical Bounties aimed at making exactly this happen. Meanwhile, Stacks sees its highest amount of active wallets, as well as an uptick in DeFi users. Let’s dive into this week’s Stacks Snacks.

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Stacks is a Bitcoin layer for smart contracts; it enables smart contracts and decentralized applications to use Bitcoin as an asset and settle transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. Stacks exists to unlock Bitcoin’s full potential as the largest, most valuable, durable, decentralized asset. Learn more here.